Template:Shipping Manifesto

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Shipping Manifesto


{{{person 1}}} / {{{person 2}}} / {{{person 3}}}'s name (or fourth, or fifth... add and delete as unnecessary)
Names portmanteau or other ship names, delete the "s" if there's only one common name
Description a brief description of the ship

A quick overview of the pairing.

History[edit source]

How do they know each other (if applicable)? What are their interactions like?

Support[edit source]

All those shippy moments, loving glances in photographs, etc.

Fanon[edit source]

In the Media/In Culture[edit source]

Mainstream fanon: if the BBC or Spitting Image have been shipping them, document it here.

The Meme[edit source]

What does the fic landscape look like?

AUs[edit source]

If they have fanon in any of the AUs, write a blurb.

RP, Fabinet, etc[edit source]

If they're together in the RPs, discuss it here.