Baked Goods
Baked goods play a surprisingly large role in lolitics fandom.
Cake[edit | edit source]
Ed Balls is a famous cake chef. Examples of his craft may be found here.
Jaffa Cakes[edit | edit source]
Jaffa Cakes are delicious cakes that are often mistaken for biscuits. It is believed that Nick Clegg can remove the Orangey Bit without breaking it.
Pastries[edit | edit source]
Pastries have appeared so often in NuLab fic that they have become something of a trope.
Pancake Day[edit | edit source]
Every pancake there is a Lords vs MPs vs Media Parliamentary Pancake Race for the charity Rehab. This usually results in a lot of ridiculous pictures and videos of members of the legislature with pancake all over them while in cooking-themed fancy dress.
Winning Teams By Year[edit | edit source]
2009 - Lords
2010 - MPs
2011 - Lords
2012 - MPs
2013 - MPs
2014 - Lords
2015 - Media
2016 - MPs
Biscuits[edit | edit source]
Whenever a politician has a Q&A session with Mumsnet they invariably end up answering the question "What is your favourite biscuit?" whether asked to or not. The Telegraph has a hand guide to how various politicians have answered the question (or not as it happens) here.