Eye Spy MP
@eyepymp is a twitter account for crowd-sourced stalking of MPs. It is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to know where MPs are, what they are doing, what they are wearing, who they are talking to and what they are eating at any given time. Usually tweets are merely text based, but occasionally photos appear of politicians on public transport or in the pub.
The intended pronunciation is "Eye Spy MP", but it can be (and is by many) read/pronounced as "eyes pymp".
Criticism[edit | edit source]
Because everything it tweets is gathered from people who can be bothered to submit titbits of information, combined with no apparent fact checking, it has been accused of inaccuracy, intrusiveness, various forms of -isms and being a bit boring. There does appear to be some form of moderation, however.
Sally Bercow has had a somewhat public spat with the account, protesting that it reports on her movements despite her lack of MP status [1]. On a related note, Labour MP Angela Smith has accused lobby journalists of contributing to the account [2] and complained about the lack of privacy for MPs.
Olly Grender, a Lib Dem and friend of David Laws, has also had a Twitter fight with the account over inaccurate reporting of Laws's movements. For some reason the press considered this less newsworthy.