From Lolitics Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchAlthough the shipping of British politicians long predates the internet, Lolitics fandom as we now know it was born of the first explosion of Clameron shipping in the aftermath of the 2010 general election, when David Cameron and Nick Clegg formed their coalition and the BBC aired many clips of them with soft pink light and romantic music.
The fandom has eight main strands:
- The Comm. Once the sole nexus for all things Lolitics related, the Lolitics Livejournal community is now primarily used for party posts, which occur during every election, important parliamentary debates (important quite often being defined by how entertaining the participating parliamentarians are), or Thursday evening when Question Time is televised. Other uses include links to newspaper articles of interest to the fandom, educational picspams, and icon dumps. The comm is not a political discussion forum; its primary purposes are squee and lulz, and divisive debates are generally forbidden by the mods.
- Tumblr Fandom. Where much of the lolitical activity has gone now that most of fandom has moved off Livejournal and onto Tumblr. Consists of disparate individual Tumblrs linked only through reblogging and a common sense of purpose.
- The Meme. An anonymous meme for the fandom. Anons post prompts containing ideas for stories, and other anons fill them. Due to the requirements of anonymity, the meme cannot be locked as the comm is, so it is important to keep it very, very secret.
- ficcing_lolitic (f_l). The anonymous spillover community for discussion of fanfic, serious political debates and fandom wanks that are inappropriate for the comm or the meme. It went the way of all anon comms and devolved into a cesspit of wank, so it's mostly unused now.
- The Secrets Comm. Analogous to FandomSecrets, but with much, much less traffic. By which I mean it's dead.
- The Roleplay. A loose network of journals on Livejournal and Dreamwidth in which loliticans pretend to be various parliamentarians and roleplay their interactions, which for some mysterious reason tend to involve love triangles and magical mishaps more than they do bringing forward legislation.
- Deviantart. A group on deviantart where arty loliticians (at least the ones who don't mind de-anoning in public) post their masterpieces. It had occasional competitions. Mostly dead now.
- The Fabinet. Something that existed on Twitter at the dawn of the fandom. It's dead now and I don't properly understand what it was even when it was alive.
Glossary - Over time the Lolitics fandom has accumulated a great many memes and specialized terms. Here's a glossary to help the perplexed.
The Fanfic Multiverse - The meme has spawned a variety of prominent fics, AUs and shared universes. Here is a guide to them.