Jeremy Paxman

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Jeremy Paxman

Jeremy Paxman.Portrait.jpg

Name Jeremy Dickson Paxman (born 11 May, 1950)
Nicknames Paxo (everyone), Death Mask Of Shergar (Malcolm Tucker)
Company The BBC
Positions Newsnight presenter (1989 - 2014)
University Challenge host (1994 - Present)
Likes Getting answers to his questions, making politicians cry
Dislikes ?
Friends ?
Enemies Michael Howard (post-interview)
Partners Elizabeth Ann Clough (? - Present)
Children Jessica (?), Victoria and Jack (same ?; they're twins)
Personal Attributes
Nationality English
Party Conservative
Religion ?
Sexuality Straight
Height ?
Eye Colour Brown
Handedness ?
Accent Received Pronunciation
Languages ?

Well-known for his confrontational interview technique (which once involved asking Michael same question twelve times), Paxo provides the rite of passage/Inquisition experience that every serious politico must go through to gain maximum cred. If he creams you, no-one will let you forget it, there will be smothered laughter for the next 20 years when you enter a room, and you will look like a twat forever on Youtube.

Life and Career[edit | edit source]

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Career[edit | edit source]

Interview Technique[edit | edit source]

Don't be fooled by the sad, quizzical look. That's the face he makes when he goes in for the kill.

Not surprisingly, he is cordially admired/hated by many.

Common techniques seem to be gleaned from the Little Book Of How Not To Interview Someone.

  • shifting in his seat and looking away
  • looking bored/angry/depressed/entirely unconvinced
  • staring and staring and staring some more
  • using a tone of extreme disbelief
  • leaning forward aggressively
  • interrupting. A lot.
  • ending a section with reiteration of some damning point, then moving on so the wretched interviewee has no comeback
This is basically Paxo's role on Newsnight.

Personal Life[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Jeremy Paxman.NoTie.jpg

Portrayal[edit | edit source]

In the Media[edit | edit source]

In Culture[edit | edit source]

In Fanon[edit | edit source]

Inevitably, his challenging and peremptory manner has led to requests on the meme for fic in which he makes [the politician of your choice] crawl around like a hapless dog. We're still waiting.