Liberal Democrats
The Liberal Democrats, or Lib Dems, are the British social liberal party and considered to be on the centre or centre-left of politics. The party was created through a merger of the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party. The two main factions are the slightly libertarian Orange Bookers and the more left-wing Beveridge Group.
If there is a tie for the leadership after all preference votes have been counted, the decision is made by drawing lots[1].
Liberal Democrat Politicians and Activists[edit | edit source]
Current Lib Dem MPs[edit | edit source]
Current Lib Dem Lords[edit | edit source]
Assorted Other Prominent Lib Dems[edit | edit source]
- Danny Alexander
- David Laws
- Vince Cable
- Miriam González Durántez
- James Lundie
- Chris Huhne
- Lembit Öpik
- Michael Moore
- Charles Kennedy
Internal Factions[edit | edit source]
The Social Liberal Forum[2][edit | edit source]
The SLF are a huge grouping of people who label themselves social liberals. There are very few people within the party who wouldn't call themselves social liberals, and of those who wouldn't it's because the term social liberal has come to refer to the left of the party, rather than a set of beliefs. Therefore the SLF tends to lean left merely by virtue of the people who are prepared to join it. The Judean People's Front of the Liberal Democrats. A pretty big group. Most likely to be found claiming to both represent the left of the party and to represent the entirety of party opinion at the same time.~ miss-s-b
Liberal Reform[3][edit | edit source]
If the SLF are the left-leaning splinter group, Liberal Reform are the right leaning ones. Most likely to be found containing people who disdain "identity politics" (while adopting the identity of a Liberal Reform member) and who blithely refer to themselves as Classical Liberals despite having never read Mill and being unaware that he referred to himself as a socialist. If the SLF are the Judean People's Front, these guys are the Popular Front, sitting down the front looking grumpy and flipping the bird at everyone else. The SLF are their deadly rivals. You can tell this by the frequency with which members of both say things like "I don't know why people think we're enemies, we should totally be working together!". Liberal Reform are most likely to be found spouting managementspeak bollocks, and failing to understand that actually, being poor is quite hard.~ miss-s-b
Parody Internal Factions[edit | edit source]
While the Lib Dems do have internal factions, they also have parody factions which are far more fun. Sometimes called "The Carbohydrate Groupings":
- Lib Dem Biscuits [6]
- Lib Dem Tarts [7]
- Lib Dem Friends of Pie [8]
Ideology[edit | edit source]
Lib Dem Ideology[edit | edit source]
Lib Dem Policies[edit | edit source]