Nick Griffin
Nick Griffin is just about the most loathsome human being in British politics in the last half century. While the brief rise of the British Nazi National Party under his leadership was alarming at the time, from a historical standpoint it appears that the main purpose of his sorry existence is to serve as a warning and amusement to others.
A short timeline of Nick Griffin:
September 1999 - Nick Griffin becomes leader of the BNP.
May 2008 - Nick Griffin is among the two BNP MEPs elected to the European Parliament, to the horror and embarrassment of all decent citizens of the UK.
December 2008 - Nick Griffin films a bizarre YouTube video in which he tells racist Christmas stories. Viewers are torn between horror, bafflement and lulz.
September 2009 - Question Time controversially invites Nick Griffin on its panel. Before the show there were concerns that giving him a platform would serve as an implicit endorsement of his politics and give him a chance to promote his pernicious views. In reality, the show turns into a tag team event in which the entire panel including Dimbleby cooperate to beat the shit out of Nick Griffin. Bonnie Greer is especially epic. Griffin looks like the racist idiot he is, the audience enjoy the nearest modern equivalent to a medieval bloodsport, and the BNP begins its long plummet into electoral oblivion. The needle on the Griffin-o-Meter ticks over from "Horror" to "Lulz".
January 2014 - Nick Griffin declares bankrupcy. Many lulz are had at his expense.
May 2014 - The BNP lose both their European Parliament seats. There is much rejoicing.
October 2014 - Nick Griffin is expelled from the BNP. Many, many lulz are had at his expense.