When Boris Met Dave

Boris is the Bullers' busybody, but he slowly falls for the sweet new boy, Dave. Please don't have Dave return his feelings, that would be sweet but let's have some woobie!Boris ;___; Bonus points for DCam being a totally adorbs geek and Boris being hopeless at everyday life and everyone being truly, nauseatingly posh.
A popular Channel 4 documentary, purporting to be about Oxford during the days of David Cameron and Boris Johnson, but mainly an excuse to put out an RPS kink meme fill, ruined only by its constant interruptions with talking heads rambling about how it could all be canon, honest, we're not just making two fictionalised versions of real people have a deeply and deliberately homoerotic relationship for the cheap but-all-those-posh-boys-are-secret-gayers-aren't-they thrills.
Practically a subsection of fandom and slashworthy in its own right.
- DCam talking to his television and his television talking back
- DCam airdrumming on a desk
- Comedy music playing as all of BoJo's hopes and dreams are humiliatingly crushed
- Tender pottery fondling
- Tender smashing of expensive items
- BoJo becoming president of the Gay Alliance
- DCam asking BoJo about "that Gay Alliance thing"
- BoJo morosely singing a love song to a washing machine about how much he loves DCam
If you want to find out about the Bullingdon Club for fic-writing about late-night shenanigans and comedy criminality, it's a good place to start.
In short, it's "nothing you couldn't recreate with some old photos of BoJo and DCam, some 80s music, and an acid trip ". And it's Vimeo, so you can watch and learn.