Queen Elizabeth II

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Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, is a shipper of the highest standard. TRUFAX. She has been shipping members of her government since the very first decade of her reign, firstly between the then Chancellor of the Exchequer Rab Butler (of the Conservative party) and Hugh Gaitskell (of the Labour party), creating the term "Butskellism", which has long been wrongly accredited to The Economist. While the term is considered by most non-sandal-wearing-historians to be a loose description of the consensus politics of the time, it is in fact a pairing name Her Majesty created in her first politics RPS fic, the first in a long line of fanfics the palace staff have yet to let the Queen publish. The first of her fanfics to be leaked was Reagan/Thatcher, and is now known as "The Fic That Squicked A Nation". She has finally been fully joined by the British press in her shipping with the advent of Clameron, and all is now Love and Sparkles.